Monday, September 9, 2013

Bodega Bay Celebrates 50th Aniversary Of Filming Of Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds." Or, How I Killed A Saturday With My Dad!

I like to travel as much as possible.  I have been to over 40 states in the country.  Whenever I travel I bring my camera.  On Sunday this last Labor Day weekend, I went with my dad up to Bodega Bay in Northern California.  My dad really wanted to go up there over the Labor Day weekend because it was the 50th anniversary of the filming of Alfred Hitchcock's movie "The Birds" in Bodega Bay.  It is only about an 1 1/2 drive to Bodega Bay from where I live in Pleasanton, California.  So I tagged along with my dad to go see it.

I wasn't too excited about making the trip up there.  Afterall, the move "The Birds" is not exactly from my generation.  But I figured I would go so I could catch a nap.  Luckily I brought my camera!It turned out to be a great trip with lots of photo opportunities. 

The first stop we made up in Bodega Bay was at the building used as the schoolhouse in The Birds movie.  The building looks pretty much the same as it did in the move.  A news crew was up there filming.  In the newsclip you can get a get some good scenes of  the building during the movie.  Click here to watch the short news clip.

I was glad we stopped at the old schoolhouse from the movie!  It made for a perfect opportunity to show how a simple photo of a landmark, can be converted into a completely different piece of art.  Below is the original photo I took of the schoolhouse from the movie The Birds.  As you can see from my photo, the building still pretty much looks the same as it did in Hitchcock's movie.  The clouds in the background only added to the mystique of the building.

 I took my photograph of the schoolhouse and applied some of the photo to art conversions available at my online business at   My conversions came out really great and transformed my ordinary photograph into works of art.  Take a look at the photo to art conversions applied to my original photo:

Original Photo Of "The Birds" Schoolhouse

My original photo was pretty interesting in itself.  It was a perfect day for photos of the old schoolhouse because there were some really cool clouds in the sky. 

Aquarell Photo To Art Conversion

 I really like the look of the Aquarell photo conversion.  It has a natural border around the photo and looks like a hand-painted work of art. 

Book Photo To Art Conversion

The Book photo conversion is a lot like the Aquarell photo conversion.  However, it has some ink shadings that give it a distinct Book style look. 

Starry Photo To Art Conversion

The Starry photo conversion style is really the most unique photo to art conversion style.  It is inspired by van Gogh's famous Starry Night painting.  I think this photo to art style is great because it really transforms an ordinary photo to a unique piece of art. 

The above conversions are only a small sample of the over 30 art conversion styles available at my website.  Please go over and take a look.  All photo to art conversions are free.  Once our conversions are completed, we have it professionally mounted onto canvas for one of the most affordable prices on the Internet.

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