Thursday, September 5, 2013

Welcome To SimplyEvansPhotoArt's New Blog

Hello and welcome to SimplyEvansPhotoArt blogsite.  On our blog, we are going to post some of the wonderful and creative things you can do by mixing the worlds of photography and art.  Before we dive into that wonderful world of photography and art, a little about us.  

My name is Evan Henley and I am the owner of SimplyEvansPhotoArt.  I started my busines in 2012. I am a 16 year old high school student living in Pleasanton, California.  I have had a passion for photography and art since a young age.  I decided early on that I wanted to pursue an entrepreneurial endeavor.  I wanted to pursue an endeavor that would combine my love of photography, with my interest in computers and appreciation for art.  I also wanted to be part of the youth movement that pursued their entrepreneurial goals before they got to college or out of high school.  My goal has never been about the pursuit of profits, but more about being creative and not afraid of pursuing a business idea.  From these seeds, SimplyEvansPhotoArt was born. 

I started this blog because of the numerous creative things we our doing for our customers and for ourselves in the area of photography and art.  I frequently travel with my father and we always bring our cameras.  Many of the photos we take, we convert to art.  So we needed an outlet to share thes works of art with the world.  So we started our blog to share them here.  We think you will enjoy some of the photo to art work that we do.  We also hope it gives you ideas for photos that you may already have, just waiting to be made into art.  If so, we can do it for you for free.  We then have it professionally mounted onto canvas for an extremely affordable price.  

Please be sure and visit our website today for more information.  

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