Monday, November 4, 2013

SimplyEvansPhotoArt Flickr & Photobucket Photostream

Our website at already lists over thirty different photo to art conversion styles.  We continue to try different art conversion software to find more unique and outstanding art conversion styles so we can offer you more art styles.  Keeping up with our ever-expanding art conversion styles, we have created a Flickr page so we can bring you our latest samples of styles.   Please visit our Flickr page at and check out the awesome new conversion styles we are offering. We also offer a sampling of photos at Photobucket.  Please visit our offering at

We now offer the most photo to art conversion styles on the Internet, as well as the most competitive canvas mounting prices. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Livermore Wine Country

Sometimes I am dragged out to go to Livermore wine country with my dad.  Not that I don't think that the scenery and atmosphere out there isn't beautiful, but I am much too young to taste the goods.   One winery that we usually go to is Concannon Winery because my dad is a member there.  The last time we went I brought along my trusty camera.  Many photo opportunities out there.

Concannon Winery has a beautiful old home sitting on its property.  It sits among the acres of awesome vineyards.  Below is one of the original shots I took of the house.

Concannon Vineyard House Among Vineyards - Original

  I took this shot and made some really beautiful works of art.  Take a look:

Concannon Vineyard Shot With Oil Painting Effect

This structure makes such a beautiful work of art.  Before I processed it, I took out the pole in the center of the shot with Photoshop.  I didn't notice the pole when I took the shot, but I felt it distracted from the shot.  Next, I applied a more colorful effect to the shot.  Below is the final result:

Concannon Vineyard Shot With Line and Ink Effect

Lastly, the below conversion is my favorite.  It takes an ordinary shot and makes it look so different and artistic.  Take a look:

Concannon Vineyard With Dynamic Boost Warm

All these effects make my shot so different, and such unique pieces of art.  We can add the same effects to your original photos at  All our conversions are FREE!  Also, our canvas prices are the best on the web.  So visit us today. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

I Love Downtown Pleasanton, California

Okay, so I live in Pleasanton and go to high school here!  So I am a little partial to this town.  But I must admit, Pleasanton, California has one of the coolest downtown's I've ever seen.  Below is a recent photo I took of downtown Pleasanton right before I went to school the other day. 
Downtown Pleasanton - Original Photo

The thing I like about downtown Pleasanton is that it reminds of small-town America.  I have traveled all over the United States with my dad and seen a lot of small towns.  Pleasanton seems like one of those small, clean towns I have seen during our travels.  It always reminds of one of those small towns you would see in a magazine.  So I decided to take a picture and convert it into a work of art.  Below is my transformation of the above shot. 

Downtown Pleasanton Photo Converted Into Art

To me, this conversion makes the most perfect work of art for any home.  Even if you don't live in Pleasanton.  It just seems so "American."  So it shouldn't matter where you live.  It would look great mounted onto canvas and hanging in any home.  Visit my website at

Beautiful Downton Pleasanton

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

SimplyEvansPhotoArt Promotional Video

Transform Any Video Frame Into Framed Canvas Art

At SimplyEvansPhotoArt we can transform any photo into a work of art.  But did you know that we can also transform any video frame into a piece of canvas art?  Well, we can.  Submit a short-video clip of any wedding, birthday party, childhood favorite moment or any clip of the million captured moments.  Identify the scene you want made into a piece of canvas art and we will do the rest.

Below is an example of the work we can do.  The first clip below is from a recent wedding video that was shot by my dad at a wedding we went to this summer.  The below shot was extracted from the wedding video.  It is the original video clip/shot before we apply any artistic effects to it. 

Original Video Clip/Shot

Wedding Video Clip/Shot With Aquarell Effect Applied

Wedding Video Clip/Shot With Realism Effect Applied

Imagine all the videos you have laying around that you always wish you had also taken photographs at the same time?  Well you can only hold one camera, so don't blame yourself.   Well don't cry, we can help.  Watch our video below to see how!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Back To School Time, Means School Photo Time. Oh, No!

Being a teenager, I can tell you that the time of year most of us dread, is not just back to school time.  Even worst than this fate, is class photo time!  Why, you ask?  Because every kid hates their photo.  Well I think I have the perfect solution.  Take that class photo and get it converted to a work of art.  We can do it for a small price at SimplyEvanPhotoArt

I love the work we do at my website so much, I am going to use my own school photo as a sample for this post.  That is serious, believe me.  I don't love posting my own photo, but I am confident you will love how it turns out once we do the conversions.  Check it, Simply Evans Photo Art, SimplyEvansPhotoArt, photo to art conversions, photo to art to canvas, canvas prints, photo to canvas, canvas printing, canvas art, photo to art conversions, photography art, photography
Original Photo Conversion, Simply Evans Photo Art, SimplyEvansPhotoArt, photo to art conversions, photo to art to canvas, canvas prints, photo to canvas, canvas printing, canvas art, photo to art conversions, photography art, photography
Aquarell Photo Conversion, Simply Evans Photo Art, SimplyEvansPhotoArt, photo to art conversions, photo to art to canvas, canvas prints, photo to canvas, canvas printing, canvas art, photo to art conversions, photography art, photography, Camille Photo Conversion at
Camille Photo Conversion, Simply Evans Photo Art, SimplyEvansPhotoArt, photo to art conversions, photo to art to canvas, canvas prints, photo to canvas, canvas printing, canvas art, photo to art conversions, photography art, photography, Realism Photo Conversion At
Realism Photo Conversion, Simply Evans Photo Art, SimplyEvansPhotoArt, photo to art conversions, photo to art to canvas, canvas prints, photo to canvas, canvas printing, canvas art, photo to art conversions, photography art, photography, Realism Photo Conversion
Watercolor Photo Conversion
Okay, so there they are.  I must admit, not bad looking.  Visit us today and let us work magic on your kid's school photos. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

The Perfect Gift That Every Real Estate Agent Should Give

I have moved around the United States a few times because of my dad's old job.  Each time we got a new house, the real estate agent always seemed to buy a gift as a house-warming present.  Usually it was a cheap bottle of champagne or some trinket that my dad threw into a drawer.  Now that I am an older and wiser teenager, I can sort of see the reasoning behind my dad's frustration with the lack of thought going into the house-warming gifts he received.

Well I think I have the perfect gift-suggestion for all real estate agents to give their clients when they buy or sell a home.  How about a piece of art?  It's that simple!  Take a nice, quality photograph of your client's home.  Upload it to SimplyEvansPhotoArt and we will do the rest.  As with all my other posts, I have some examples for you.  Below is a beautiful home sold recently near me in Pleasanton, CA. 

Original Photograph Of Home

Aquarell Photo Conversion,, SimplyEvansPhotoArt, Evan Henley, photo to art conversions, photo to art to canvas, canvas art by Simply Evans Photo Art
Aquarell Photo Conversion

Realism Photo Conversion,, SimplyEvansPhotoArt, Evan Henley, photo to art conversions, photo to art to canvas, canvas art by Simply Evans Photo Art
Realism Photo Conversion

Vincent HD Photo Conversion,, SimplyEvansPhotoArt, Evan Henley, photo to art conversions, photo to art to canvas, canvas art by Simply Evans Photo Art
Vincent HD Photo Conversion

Monet Photo Conversion,, SimplyEvansPhotoArt, Evan Henley, photo to art conversions, photo to art to canvas, canvas art by Simply Evans Photo Art
Monet Photo Conversion

As you can see, there are plenty of choices in art styles available at my website.  We have over 30 art styles to chose from.  Either way, your client will be so impressed that you took time out to make a piece of art for their new home. Or if they are selling the home, imagine how happy they will be to have something to remember their old home by!  Not many agents would take the time out to do something so symbolic and thoughtful.  The feedback on your gesture will be incredible.  With social media, it will probably go viral.  Before you know it, you will be turning clients away.  LOL.

With prices starting at $29.97,   there is no reason to have to wonder what to get your clients.  Please visit us today at www.simplyevansphotoart

Friday, September 13, 2013

Cool Picture, Just Got Cooler!

My dad told me recently that I had "eclectic" taste.  Assuming it was a compliment, I thanked him and ran out of the room to look-up eclectic.  Afterall, I am still in high school!  I think I have a good grasp of the English language, but sometimes I just have to fake-it.  After checking my dictionary app in the darkness of my own room, I have to admit, I agree with my dad.  I think I have eclectic taste, especially when it comes to photography.  I always look at my subjects with an eye towards trying to figure out how I can make a picture more interesting. 

Even if you take a picture and it turns into a real interesting perspective or layout.  You can always do more.  How about letting simplyevansphotoart turn that photo into a piece of art, professionally mounted onto canvas?  Take a look what we can do with an already unique photo:

Original Mountain Shot With Hanging Moon

Now let's add some artistic effects.  Check out the change:

Mountain Shot With Hanging Moon - Aquarell Effect Applied

Mountain Shot With Hanging Moon - Watercolor Effect Applied

Mountain Shot With Hanging Moon - Vincent HD Effect Applied

It's easy to see from the pictures above, how we are able to take an already interesting picture and make it even more interesting.  Its appearance is enhanced even more with our professionally mounted canvas work. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Perfect Wedding Present?

Like many of us, throughout your life you're bound to be invited to many weddings.  I know I have been dragged to a wedding or two throughout my life by my family.  I always smiled and acted like I was having a good time.  Most of the time I was...I guess!  Anyways, the last wedding I went to was last summer.  Before we went, I remember going with my dad and looking through a massive wedding registry at Macy's.  His frustration level grew bigger and bigger as he tried to figure out what to get.  Wanting to help lower his blood-pressure, I coolly and calmly looked at him and said, "why don't we give them a canvas picture from my very own store", simplyevansphotoart?   A real dumb look came over his face and he turned to me and said "duhhhh" like all of a sudden it was his idea.

Eventually you will most likely find yourself in a similar position of trying to find a wedding gift for someone. Well guess what?  We can help!  Instead of a crock pot or can opener, get them something really unique.  Get them a canvas print of the bride, groom or both.  It shows you put some thought into your gift and will make a keepsake they will always treasure. 

Check out the original photo, and then the conversions we can apply to it before mounting it on canvas.

Original Photo Of Blushing Bride

You would think that this blushing bride is beautiful enough that you could just take the original photo and mount it on canvas.  Well you would be right.  But, when we apply one of our art conversion styles to the photo, it makes it even more special.  Take a look:

Bride Photo With Aquarell Effect Applied
Wow!  That's all I can say.  I love this effect.  It keeps the beauty of the blushing bride and ads a really sophisticated art effect.  I particularly like the natural border look that we can apply.  This is actually the effect I used for the wedding gift.  Let me just say, the bride and groom loved it.  It really stood out among the loot of crock pots, blenders, egg timers and other assorted junk.

Bride Photo With Realism Effect

For those of you who don't like living life on the edge, then the Realism photo conversion effect is perfect for you.  It stays true to the actual photo, put gives it a subtle artistic effect.  A real crowd- pleaser. 

Please visit my website for our full assortment of art styles and canvas sizes.   


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

You're Going To Hollywood!

One of my favorite things is photography.  Because I am lucky enough to travel regularly, I have a nice supply of digital photos.  I love to go through my photos and make them into works of art.  I recently went down to the Southern California area.  While down there, I went to Hollywood.  There are many, many photo opportunities in the Hollywood area.  Of course the most popular photo subject down there is the Hollywood sign.  It is one of the most famous landmarks in the world.  A few months back, I took this Hollywood sign photo. 

Original Photo Of Hollywood Sign

My photo is a basic, everyday shot of the Hollywood.  Nothing too glamorous by Hollywood standards.  However, watch what the photo transforms into once I apply some of the photo conversions styles available at

Hollywood Sign With Starry Night Effect Applied.
One of the first effects I applied was our Starry Night effect.  This effect is based on the Vincent van Gogh painting, Starry Night.  This is one of van Gogh's most famous paintings.  I think it is the perfect effect for the Hollywood sign.  Hollywood is all about visuals and fantasies.  This effect captures these elements in the final product.  We have mounted many photos using the Starry Night effect.  It always makes for a special gift. 

For some, the Starry Night effect may be too "Hollywood."  So, for those of you not so "Hollywood,"we have the Realism effect.  Take a look:

Hollywood Sign With Realism Effect Applied
 For those that have a more "artsy" personality, the Realism effect may not be your pick.  With over 30 styles to pick from, SimplyEvansPhotoArt has no shortage of effects to offer.  If you like the more artistic appearance, then the Sargent effect would be perfect for you.  This photo conversion style keeps less detail in portraits, but adds more details in the background.  It is suitable for narrative style, figures in motion or semi-portraits.  This conversion style can simulate the work of man modern day painters and is based on the paintings of artist John Singer Sargent.  

Hollywood Sign With Sargent Effect Applied

Looking at the above photo to art conversions, it is hard to believe they are all produced using the same photograph.  Imagine how great they would look mounted on canvas!  Well of course, they will look like original pieces of art.  Visit us today and get your order going. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Your Very Own Hometown Sign Can Make A Great Work Of Art

You may not have to go very far to find a great piece of art waiting to be made.  Throughout many towns in the USA, as well as the world, beautiful city signs welcome visitors.  I live in the town of Pleasanton, California.  My very own hometown has its own beautiful sign welcoming residents and visitors to town.  Below is a shot of my downtown.  It is a very basic shot, but it really captures the hometown feel of Pleasanton.  It is a great place to live and is a great example of a classic American own. 

The above photo is a great example of how SimplyEvansPhotoArt can take an ordinary, everyday photo and make it into a great work of art.  Watch how we can take the photo above, and transform it into various different pieces of art.  Imagine taking these photo transformations and having them professionally mounted onto canvas.  What a perfect and very unique gift for someone special.

Original Photo Of Downtown Pleasanton, CA

Whatever your fancy is, we are positive we have an art style just for you.  The above photos are a perfect sampling of the various artistic conversions we can apply to your photo.  Remember, all our photo conversions are done for free.  Our conversions transformed a basic shot of downtown Pleasanton, California into pieces of art.  Visit us today at www.simplyevansphotoart to get your piece of art started.  Our prices are the most competitive on the Internet.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Bodega Bay Celebrates 50th Aniversary Of Filming Of Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds." Or, How I Killed A Saturday With My Dad!

I like to travel as much as possible.  I have been to over 40 states in the country.  Whenever I travel I bring my camera.  On Sunday this last Labor Day weekend, I went with my dad up to Bodega Bay in Northern California.  My dad really wanted to go up there over the Labor Day weekend because it was the 50th anniversary of the filming of Alfred Hitchcock's movie "The Birds" in Bodega Bay.  It is only about an 1 1/2 drive to Bodega Bay from where I live in Pleasanton, California.  So I tagged along with my dad to go see it.

I wasn't too excited about making the trip up there.  Afterall, the move "The Birds" is not exactly from my generation.  But I figured I would go so I could catch a nap.  Luckily I brought my camera!It turned out to be a great trip with lots of photo opportunities. 

The first stop we made up in Bodega Bay was at the building used as the schoolhouse in The Birds movie.  The building looks pretty much the same as it did in the move.  A news crew was up there filming.  In the newsclip you can get a get some good scenes of  the building during the movie.  Click here to watch the short news clip.

I was glad we stopped at the old schoolhouse from the movie!  It made for a perfect opportunity to show how a simple photo of a landmark, can be converted into a completely different piece of art.  Below is the original photo I took of the schoolhouse from the movie The Birds.  As you can see from my photo, the building still pretty much looks the same as it did in Hitchcock's movie.  The clouds in the background only added to the mystique of the building.

 I took my photograph of the schoolhouse and applied some of the photo to art conversions available at my online business at   My conversions came out really great and transformed my ordinary photograph into works of art.  Take a look at the photo to art conversions applied to my original photo:

Original Photo Of "The Birds" Schoolhouse

My original photo was pretty interesting in itself.  It was a perfect day for photos of the old schoolhouse because there were some really cool clouds in the sky. 

Aquarell Photo To Art Conversion

 I really like the look of the Aquarell photo conversion.  It has a natural border around the photo and looks like a hand-painted work of art. 

Book Photo To Art Conversion

The Book photo conversion is a lot like the Aquarell photo conversion.  However, it has some ink shadings that give it a distinct Book style look. 

Starry Photo To Art Conversion

The Starry photo conversion style is really the most unique photo to art conversion style.  It is inspired by van Gogh's famous Starry Night painting.  I think this photo to art style is great because it really transforms an ordinary photo to a unique piece of art. 

The above conversions are only a small sample of the over 30 art conversion styles available at my website.  Please go over and take a look.  All photo to art conversions are free.  Once our conversions are completed, we have it professionally mounted onto canvas for one of the most affordable prices on the Internet.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Welcome To SimplyEvansPhotoArt's New Blog

Hello and welcome to SimplyEvansPhotoArt blogsite.  On our blog, we are going to post some of the wonderful and creative things you can do by mixing the worlds of photography and art.  Before we dive into that wonderful world of photography and art, a little about us.  

My name is Evan Henley and I am the owner of SimplyEvansPhotoArt.  I started my busines in 2012. I am a 16 year old high school student living in Pleasanton, California.  I have had a passion for photography and art since a young age.  I decided early on that I wanted to pursue an entrepreneurial endeavor.  I wanted to pursue an endeavor that would combine my love of photography, with my interest in computers and appreciation for art.  I also wanted to be part of the youth movement that pursued their entrepreneurial goals before they got to college or out of high school.  My goal has never been about the pursuit of profits, but more about being creative and not afraid of pursuing a business idea.  From these seeds, SimplyEvansPhotoArt was born. 

I started this blog because of the numerous creative things we our doing for our customers and for ourselves in the area of photography and art.  I frequently travel with my father and we always bring our cameras.  Many of the photos we take, we convert to art.  So we needed an outlet to share thes works of art with the world.  So we started our blog to share them here.  We think you will enjoy some of the photo to art work that we do.  We also hope it gives you ideas for photos that you may already have, just waiting to be made into art.  If so, we can do it for you for free.  We then have it professionally mounted onto canvas for an extremely affordable price.  

Please be sure and visit our website today for more information.